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Shy was at Baguio Village Inn
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Thursday, December 17, 2015

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What I Wore in Boracay.


Yes I'm anal.

Before any trip, I make sure I plan every outfit for each day.  Good thing about that is I don't bring more than I need so I almost always have just a smaller bag in tow.  My sister, who had been to Boracay herself, would say that you really don't have to be skinny to look good.  There are ways that you can show some skin but not to the point that you look like you're selling your body at some corner of the street.

Here are the ensembles that I had during my week in Boracay.  I hope you get inspired to put a bit more effort on thinking about how you would look apart from thinking of the places you'll be going.

 Good luck and have fun!


BoracayStories said...

This is the best way to pack for a Boracay holiday! Always pack lightly and plan your attire in advance! Kudos!

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