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Monday, August 12, 2013

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Yes You Can Have Fun Too!

In this age and time, people are just too sucked up with work that having fun for them is only exclusive on weekends or holidays when they can really, truly relax.  

But some people, even then, don't even think it's possible that they can have a trip somewhere even near them.  With all the expenses, being a bread winner and such, how can there be any dough for that?  The money is already spent long before you had a chance to withdraw it from the ATM.   Let me tell you that it is possible, that you can take that dream vacation, at least the one destination nearest you, or you can take that crazy outdoor activity you've always itching to do, but had never truly gone about it.


I truly believe that initially, people dismiss these as impossible, thinking of all the things they have to prioritize... but really now 'all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' and I hold that pretty true.  You can't be working without rewarding yourself from all the efforts you've been putting throughout the past few weeks.  You might do well in the first couple or first month but sooner or later, deprivation and depression set in.  You running around giving all your efforts for other people, forgetting the most important person you can ever have- yourself.  Stop this crazy cycle and get back to you.  It is possible.  With some planning and a bit of saving on the side, heck, everything IS POSSIBLE.

Every month allot P1000 or $20 for your dream activity for the month.  Most activities are priced around that (if you're living in Davao city, Philippines).  Try searching for possibilities around town, you'll be surprised to know that it doesn't really cost as much as you think it is... and if it's too pricey for you, look for cheaper options, or save monthly for it.  Bottom line here is, you can and you will get it if you open yourself to the possibility of it. 

Here are some suggestions to spark your fun thoughts:

1. Sign up for scuba diving lessons.
2. Take swimming lessons.
3. Buy painting materials, or buy materials for your DIY project.
4. Get that dream cut you've always been longing.
5.  Dye your hair different this time.  Choose Loreal/Revlon, these brands always end up coloring your hair equally unlike the cheaper brands where it only focuses on top and the rest of your hair, nothing happened.  Oh an instant halo!
6. Get ingredients to whip up your favorite red velvet cupcake, or
7. Remake that Indian/Persian food you've found to be heaven on a plate the first time you tasted it, research online on how to make that
8.  Take that bus to a province near you and eat their delicacy, and come back home in the afternoon or few days after,
9.  Hit the beach with family or friends, or both.
10. Watch IMAX to watch your fave movie and drown yourself with popcorn and soda.
11. Try that cuisine you haven't even tried before.
12. Go to that nature park and unwind.
13. Go sleep in that hotel for the heck of it.
14. Go sleep in a motel if you want too, for the heck and fun of it, even without a partner, even your best friend will do, again just for the heck and fun of it.
15.  Surprise your mom/dad with a gift, or take her/him to a place you know she/he wanted to go, or do things with them that you know they love doing.
16.  Buy gallons of milk and bathe in it.  Sprinkle petals of roses on it and have an indian/arabian music playing at the background.  You go in the bathroom feeling crazy bringing all these gallons or boxes of milk and a bouquet of roses, but I assure you, you get out of there like a royalty, like you've injected yourself the blood of gods,sort of royalty.
17. Do horseback riding.
18. Do a bit of underwear shopping.  Get that adorable lacy pair you've always checked on every time you go to the mall but you end up not buying.
19.  Buy a couple or 3 books you've always thought you needed to get your life going and finally find that passion you seem to have lost by the time you started working in that toxic activity you call work.
20.  Pamper yourself to a full on spa treatment.  That should get rid of your back aches and a bit of that heart ache.
21.  Have a day long road trip with friends and visit nearby provinces.
22. Sign up for a 5km, or if you feel gutsy and overly confident, a 10km marathon.  Don't think that you have to be fit to do that! They can let you walk halfway if you wish to, and when you're close to the finish line take that few meter sprint as if you had been running all the while. *wink wink
23.  Get an adorable puppy!  Because you need to feel like a mother/father!
24.  Buy tons of chips, ice cream and surprise your friends that you'll have a sleep over at their place.  Make sure they're totally find with that.
25.  Buy make up essentials and finally master how to put make up on. The kind of make up that would make you look prettier.
26.  Scout for that perfect scent which best describes you, and purchase the smallest bottle.  You might want to test it first and see if you really really like it long term.  If after a few years and you're still obsessed with it, then go ahead, buy the biggest bottle they have available! 
27.  Buy Spanish audiobooks and manuals, because you've been wanting to learn the language for the longest time.
28.  Buy your favorite cake, and eat it.  Eat it whole, because that's how much you love it.  Share it if you want, but eat it whole, if you can.  
29.  Make a reservation in a fine dining restaurant with your girlfriends, and dress ultra classy for it.
30.  Spend all day in the theme park or game area and be a kid again.

I could go on and on.  I have cited a few but the possibilities are endless.

We should omit our minds with defeated thoughts.  Just because you have better priorities doesn't mean you can't afford to get what you want.  I know, sacrifices.  But thing is, you can only do so much, in the long run you'll end up tired and beaten up. And if you think that your family is your first priority now good on you for being a good child and all, you might want to reevaluate your priorities again.  The only way you can sustain working in your optimum level, is for you to give something back to yourself.  Don't tell me you don't have time.  YES YOU DO! Don't tell me you can't afford it.  because honey, YOU CAN.  Set some time and money for yourself. You of all people, deserve a break for crying out loud. 

Now go do that damn thing for Pete's sake!  

And have the time of your life!  

(and don't forget to take some photos! :)  )


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