Shy was at Baguio Village Inn

Shy was at Baguio Village Inn
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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

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Mahn I'm SLOW!

Let me count the ways.

1. Back in college, my classmates/friends were hanging out in the canteen.  And then someone said a joke.

There he goes! The respected actor had no qualms making fun of himself on Jimmy Fallon's show and feigned falling asleep, just as he did during a live interview on Wednesday

Image Source {dailymail}

After a good 5 seconds

Image Source {imgur}

2. The boyfriend of my sister is a bit of a nerd and he constantly makes movie or music references in our conversation.  Most of the time it usually ends up with me doing this.

Image Source {sodahead}

I don't usually watch tv, because I am an internet girl and whenever I go online, I read other stuff not related to movies or music.

I don't know mahn.  

Have these things happened to you too?

Or is it just me? LOL


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