Shy was at Baguio Village Inn

Shy was at Baguio Village Inn
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Monday, September 24, 2012

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Indochina Trip: Everything I Wanted and More

Going to the trip, I was hoping to get what I've been planning to get.  But never have I expected to be coming home more than I've ever been wanting to have.

Needless to say, my cup now is overflowing.

Funny how a week long trip could change someone for the better.  I can say I had.  I feel so good I want to just jump. hahaha

And for that lemme do my own twisted version of the Gangnam dance for you.

My apologies for my lousy dance.  Our tour around Angkor Wat was coming to an end, and I was just happy but so tired yet I wanted to do something crazy.

And so that was what happened.

Words cannot explain how ecstatic I am.  So I'll just leave it with this.


Read More of the Indochina trip here:

Bloopers in Bangkok: Coin in the Airport Monorail Link
Bloopers in Bangkok: Communicating with Cab Drivers
Thailand Trip: Eat Project
Thailand Trip: Pray Project
Thailand Trip: Love Project
Suddenly It's Magic
Eat Pray Love Project

You From Crazy!
3-Hour Ride and the Pits of Hell


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