Shy was at Baguio Village Inn

Shy was at Baguio Village Inn
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

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Walk Along the Shore with Me.



I love mornings.  

The breeze is cool and fresh; people are friendlier,and happier; it's just a perfect environment to wake up to. So on the 2nd day, I figured to just walk around the beach and be in awe of the beauty of it.

I woke up to my alarm clock as it buzzed at 5:30am and started my journey.  A 10 minute-walk from hotel to shore, took me 15 minutes.  I just had to stop every now and then and take photos to solidify and immortalize what I saw so I can share them with you all.

As I reached Station 3, there was already a handful of people who got there earlier, sitting or walking alongside the shore, or just taking a dip into the cool sea water.

And as planned, I continued walking just close enough to the shore where the sand was still damp and flat but not close enough that it's kissed by the waves.

I went on until the sand had drying algae scattered on it.

I walked until I was accompanied by these friendly locals who were on their way to work.

Kuya told me about the back beach, which is at the opposite side of bora.  It's not so much of a touristy area due to its courser sand, thus not many people stay there, making it the ideal beach for lovers.  And I thought, hmmm why not go there tomorrow and check out the place for myself.  Who knows I could catch lovers off guard.  LOL


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